Blockchain Business Tools

UND TestNet

Our initial UND TestNet comprises of a small number of nodes which are responsible for generating and signing new blocks.

Unification Mainchain

Mainnet is live.  
See our documentation.

TestNet RPC Node

Test transactions can be submitted via this link. This URL can be added as a custom RPC URL to tools such as MetaMask and MEW.

TestNet FUND Faucet

To develop on our TestNet, developers require UND which is available via the UND TestNet Faucet.

TestNet Block Explorer

We have deployed a simple block explorer allowing you to view blocks, transactions and query address and contract balances.


A Javascript SDK and Node JS Package, allowing developers to interact with Mainchain networks, develop applications (e.g. wallets), and integrate into Beacon and WRKChain applications


Full REST API for interaction with TestNet.

FUND Ansible

A set of Ansible scripts to aid developers and node operators quickly spin up full TestNet and MainNet nodes.

Official branding assets for media are available in here and here